Creswick Flowers Challenge - 1st prize Adult: Ribbon & Prize to the value of $75.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Adult: Prize to the value of $25.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 1st prize Children: Ribbon & Prize to the value of $30.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Children: Prize to the value of $20.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Children-prize to the value of $20.00
Champion Exhibit in Horticulture - Gold ribbon and award
Best Rose Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Iris Exhibit – Blue ribbon and award
Best Cut Flower Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Shrub Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Vegetable & Fruit Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Container Plant Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Preserves Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Craft Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award.
Best Floral Art Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Children’s Gardening Exhibit - Under 8 - $10
Best Children’s Gardening Exhibit - Under 12 - $10
Best Children’s Craft Exhibit - Under 8 - $10
Best Children’s Craft exhibit - Under 12- $10
Best Children’s Exhibit over all - Gold rosette & award
Best School’s Exhibit - Blue ribbon & award
In all sections except Floral Art, prize money of $3 is awarded for 1st prize winners and $1 for second prize winners. In Floral Art - Prize money of $30 for 1st Prize and $15 for second prize will be awarded.
In all cases the standard must warrant the judges’ decisions.
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Adult: Prize to the value of $25.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 1st prize Children: Ribbon & Prize to the value of $30.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Children: Prize to the value of $20.00
Creswick Flowers Challenge - 2nd prize Children-prize to the value of $20.00
Champion Exhibit in Horticulture - Gold ribbon and award
Best Rose Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Iris Exhibit – Blue ribbon and award
Best Cut Flower Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Shrub Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Vegetable & Fruit Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Container Plant Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Preserves Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Craft Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award.
Best Floral Art Exhibit - Blue ribbon and award
Best Children’s Gardening Exhibit - Under 8 - $10
Best Children’s Gardening Exhibit - Under 12 - $10
Best Children’s Craft Exhibit - Under 8 - $10
Best Children’s Craft exhibit - Under 12- $10
Best Children’s Exhibit over all - Gold rosette & award
Best School’s Exhibit - Blue ribbon & award
In all sections except Floral Art, prize money of $3 is awarded for 1st prize winners and $1 for second prize winners. In Floral Art - Prize money of $30 for 1st Prize and $15 for second prize will be awarded.
In all cases the standard must warrant the judges’ decisions.
S.S. Staged Singly
Dist. Cult. Distinct Cultivar, e.g. for only one named variety of a kind. e.g. “Peace” is a distinct Cultivar of a rose. “Granny Smith” is a distinct Cultivar of apples
C.V.A. Colour variation allowed
C.C. Cardboard collar, used for pansies, clematis, violas, fuchsias.
A.N.S. Any number of stems.
N.N.D. Not necessarily distinct. Can contain a variety of plants or colours.
N.A.S. Not according to schedule. Read carefully and comprehend. A vase of 3 to 6 stems, except Floral Art
A Bunch of 6 to 10 stems
Kinds Iris, Roses, Sweet Peas are kinds of flowers
Types Hybrid Teas are types of Roses. Cos is a type of lettuce
Cultivar A Cultivar is a cultivated variety. (See Dist. Cult)
Bloom One open flower.
In bloom Having at least one open flower
Spike An inflorescence with an elongated stem, usually unbranched, bearing either stalked or unstalked flowers. e.g., Foxglove, Delphinium, Gladiolus.
Truss A cluster of flowers or fruit growing from one stem. e.g., Agapanthus, Allium, Tomato, Pelargonium.
For Show purposes, no distinction is made between trees, shrubs and hard wood creepers, e.g. Acer (maple), camellia, hardenbergia
Soft wood creepers are treated as cut flowers, e.g. clematis, sweet peas, lonicera.
Bowl A container wider than it is high
Vase A container taller than it is wide
Note: Oasis is not to be used except for floral art.
All cut flower & shrub exhibits must have their stems in water.
The committee of Creswick Garden Club wish to advise that the Flower & Homecrafts show will be run in accordance with the Victorian State Government Covid restrictions in place at the time.
Dist. Cult. Distinct Cultivar, e.g. for only one named variety of a kind. e.g. “Peace” is a distinct Cultivar of a rose. “Granny Smith” is a distinct Cultivar of apples
C.V.A. Colour variation allowed
C.C. Cardboard collar, used for pansies, clematis, violas, fuchsias.
A.N.S. Any number of stems.
N.N.D. Not necessarily distinct. Can contain a variety of plants or colours.
N.A.S. Not according to schedule. Read carefully and comprehend. A vase of 3 to 6 stems, except Floral Art
A Bunch of 6 to 10 stems
Kinds Iris, Roses, Sweet Peas are kinds of flowers
Types Hybrid Teas are types of Roses. Cos is a type of lettuce
Cultivar A Cultivar is a cultivated variety. (See Dist. Cult)
Bloom One open flower.
In bloom Having at least one open flower
Spike An inflorescence with an elongated stem, usually unbranched, bearing either stalked or unstalked flowers. e.g., Foxglove, Delphinium, Gladiolus.
Truss A cluster of flowers or fruit growing from one stem. e.g., Agapanthus, Allium, Tomato, Pelargonium.
For Show purposes, no distinction is made between trees, shrubs and hard wood creepers, e.g. Acer (maple), camellia, hardenbergia
Soft wood creepers are treated as cut flowers, e.g. clematis, sweet peas, lonicera.
Bowl A container wider than it is high
Vase A container taller than it is wide
Note: Oasis is not to be used except for floral art.
All cut flower & shrub exhibits must have their stems in water.
The committee of Creswick Garden Club wish to advise that the Flower & Homecrafts show will be run in accordance with the Victorian State Government Covid restrictions in place at the time.
5. One Tall Bearded Iris.
6. Three Tall Bearded Iris C.V.A., S.S.
7. Six Tall Bearded Iris C.V.A., S.S.
8. One stem Siberian Iris.
9. One vase Siberian Iris. C.V.A.
10. One stem any other Iris.
11. One vase any other Iris. N.A.S. Dist. Cult.
12. One vase of Pacific Coast Iris. C.V.A.
13. One vase of Louisiana Iris. C.V.A.
14. One vase of mixed iris. C.V.A.
15. One vase Spuria Iris. CVA
16. One stem Hybrid Tea Rose.
17. Three Hybrid Tea Roses, S.S, N.N.D.
18. A vase of Hybrid Tea Roses. N.N.D.
19. A Fully Open Hybrid Tea Rose. Must show stamens.
20. One Stem of Floribunda Rose.
21. Three Stems of Floribunda Roses. S.S., N.N.D.
22. A vase of Floribunda Roses. N.N.D.
23. One stem of Modern Shrub Rose.
24. Three Stems of Modern Shrub Roses. S.S.
25. A vase of Modern Shrub Roses. Dist. Cult.
26. Six Miniature Roses. S.S. on C.C.
27 A vase of Miniature Roses. A.N.S.
28. One bloom David Austin Bred Rose.
29. Three blooms David Austin Bred Roses, Dist. Cult.
30. A vase of David Austin Bred Roses, Dist. Cult.
31. One Stem of Old Fashioned Breed of Rose.
32. A vase of Old Fashioned Breed of Roses.
33. A Bowl of Mixed Roses. C.V.A.
34. A vase of Climbing Roses. Dist. Cult.
35. Rose in three stages. Stage signally. Dist. Cult.
36. A vase of Alstroemeria. C.V.A., A.N.S.
37. A vase of Antirrhinums C.V.A., A.N.S.
38. A vase of Aquilegias. C.V.A., A.N.S.
39. Three Arum or Calla Lilies (Zantedeschia) C.V.A.
40. A vase of Campanulas. C.V.A., A.N.S.
41. A vase of Carnations or Dianthus. C.V.A. A.N.S.
42. A vase of Heuchera. A.N.S.
43. One stem of Delphinium.
44. An Herbaceous Peony
45. A vase of Herbaceous Peonies.
46. A vase of Daisies. A.N.S., C.V.A.
47. Five Clematis. S.S. on C.C. Dist. Cult.
48. A stem of Foxglove.
49. A vase of species Gladioli C.V.A, A.N.S.
50. A vase of Iceland Poppies. C.V.A., A.N.S.
51. A vase of Oriental Poppies. C.V.A., A.N.S.
52. Five Pansies. S.S. on C.C.
53. Five Violas. S.S. on C.C.
54. One stem of Lupin.
55. A vase of mixed Spring flowers.
56. A stem of flowering bulb, not otherwise listed.
57. A vase of tiny flowers (own container). Flowers not to exceed in diameter. Total arrangement not to exceed 10 cm x 10cm.
58. Three Fuchsias. S.S. on C.C.
59. Three Pelargoniums. S.S. C.V.A.
60. A vase of Sweet Peas. C.V.A., A.N.S.
61. A vase of Sweet William. A.N.S., C.V.A.
62. A vase of Wallflowers. C.V.A., A.N.S.
63. A vase of Ixias. C.V.A., A.N.S.
64. A vase of Penstemon. A.N.S., C.V.A.
65. A vase of any other cut Flower. C.V.A.
66. A stem of own choice, not otherwise listed. Not to exceed 45cm above the vase
67. A vase of Foliage. Must be three Dist. Cults.
68. A vase of Salvias, Dist. Cult.
69. A vase of Euphorbia, Dist. Cult.
70. A vase of Abutilon (Chinese Lantern) Dist. Cult.
71. A vase of Callistemon in bloom, Dist. Cult.
72. One stem of Banksia in bloom.
73. A vase of grevillea in bloom. Dist. Cult.
74. A vase of Buddleia in bloom. Dist. Cult.
75. A vase of native tree or shrub in bloom, not otherwise listed.
76. A vase of Acacia in bloom. Dist. Cult.
77. A stem of Tree Paeonie in bloom.
78. A vase of Tree Paeonie in bloom.
79. A vase of any other flowering shrub in bloom, not otherwise listed Dist. Cult.
80. A stem of shrub of own choice not otherwise listed.
81. A container of Fern, Dist. Cult.
82. A hanging container of Fern.
83. A hanging container of Fuchsia in bloom. (One plant only)
84. A hanging container of Succulent, blooms permitted.
85. A hanging container in bloom, other than those listed.
86. A hanging container of Foliage, other than those listed.
87. A Bonsai in foliage only.
88. A Bonsai in flower or fruit.
89. A miniature garden.
90. A window box in bloom, not to exceed 60 cm x 20 cm.
91. A Pelargonium in bloom.
92. A planted Terrarium.
93. A coloured leaf Pelargonium.
94. A Cactus, no flowers.
95. A Cactus in bloom.
96. A Cacti Garden, flowers permitted.
97. One Succulent, flowers permitted.
98. One Succulent, no flowers.
99. A collection or mixed planting of succulents.
100. An Orchid in bloom.
101. A Native Orchid in bloom.
102. Any other container plant.
103. Plant in a creative container
104. An item of Brassica, e.g. cauliflower, broccoli.
105. A leafy vegetable other than brassica, e.g. lettuce, spinach
106. A Pumpkin.
107. Three Onions.
108. Five Spring Onions.
109. Ten pods of Legumes, e.g. peas, broad beans.
110. Five stalks of Silver Beet.
111. Three Potatoes, Dist. Cult.
112. Three Root Vegetables, e.g. carrots, beetroot.
113. A posy of Herbs staged in a cone. Must contain three Dist. Cults.
114. Three pots of Herbs, Dist. Cults.
115. Five stalks of Rhubarb.
116. Five Citrus fruit.
117. Five fruit other than citrus.
118. Any other vegetable.
119. A basket of home grown produce.
120. “Inspired by wood.” Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
121. An Australian Native Arrangement. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
122. “Lightning strikes.” Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
123. Arrangement in a Modern Manner. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
124. Traditional arrangement. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
125. A jar of any type of Marmalade.
126. A jar of any type of Melon Jam.
127. A jar of Berry Jam.
128. A jar of Plum Jam.
129. A jar of Apricot Jam.
130. A jar of any other type of jam.
131. A jar of Quince Jelly.
132. A jar of Apple Jelly.
133. A jar of Mint Jelly.
134. A jar of Lemon Butter.
135. A jar of Pickle, any type.
136. A bottle of Tomato Sauce.
137. A bottle of any other type of sauce.
138. A jar of Relish, any type.
139. A jar of Chutney, any type.
140. A collection of six Preserves.
141. A presentation of Fruit Paste.
142. A jar of Pickled Vegetable.
143. A bottle of homemade Fruit Syrup.
144. A bottle of any other homemade drink.
145. A bottle of Flavoured Oil
146. A bottle of Flavoured Vinegar
148. A Painting, any medium not exceeded 75cm x 75cm square
149. A piece of Mosaic Work
150. An article of Tapestry.
151. A Hand Knitted article.
152. A Crochet article.
153. A Hand Embroidered article.
154. An article of Cross Stitch.
155. A stuffed Toy.
156. A Bear.
157. A Cushion.
158. An Apron (practical or Hostess)
159. An article of Patchwork.
160. A scarf and cap to match.
161. A Hat.
162. An article made from Hand Spun Fibre.
163. Any other article of Craft work not listed.
CHILDREN'S GARDENING(child's own work)
164. A pot of plants in bloom, U8
165. A pot of plants in bloom, U12
166. A Floral saucer, U8
167. A Floral Saucer, U12
168. A vase of Flowers from your garden, U8
169. A vase of Flowers from your garden, U12
170. A Plant or plants in an unusual container, U8
171. A Plant or plants in an unusual container,U12
172. A creature made from plant & vegetable material, U8
173. A creature made from plant & vegetable material, U12
174. 1/2 Dozen eggs from your own yard displayed in own egg carton, U12
CHILDREN'S CRAFT (Child's own work)
175. A page of scrapbooking, U8
176. A page of scrapbooking, U12
177. An article made of fabric, U8
178. An article made of fabric, U12
179. A photo of your pet, U8
180. A photo of your pet, U12
5. One Tall Bearded Iris.
6. Three Tall Bearded Iris C.V.A., S.S.
7. Six Tall Bearded Iris C.V.A., S.S.
8. One stem Siberian Iris.
9. One vase Siberian Iris. C.V.A.
10. One stem any other Iris.
11. One vase any other Iris. N.A.S. Dist. Cult.
12. One vase of Pacific Coast Iris. C.V.A.
13. One vase of Louisiana Iris. C.V.A.
14. One vase of mixed iris. C.V.A.
15. One vase Spuria Iris. CVA
16. One stem Hybrid Tea Rose.
17. Three Hybrid Tea Roses, S.S, N.N.D.
18. A vase of Hybrid Tea Roses. N.N.D.
19. A Fully Open Hybrid Tea Rose. Must show stamens.
20. One Stem of Floribunda Rose.
21. Three Stems of Floribunda Roses. S.S., N.N.D.
22. A vase of Floribunda Roses. N.N.D.
23. One stem of Modern Shrub Rose.
24. Three Stems of Modern Shrub Roses. S.S.
25. A vase of Modern Shrub Roses. Dist. Cult.
26. Six Miniature Roses. S.S. on C.C.
27 A vase of Miniature Roses. A.N.S.
28. One bloom David Austin Bred Rose.
29. Three blooms David Austin Bred Roses, Dist. Cult.
30. A vase of David Austin Bred Roses, Dist. Cult.
31. One Stem of Old Fashioned Breed of Rose.
32. A vase of Old Fashioned Breed of Roses.
33. A Bowl of Mixed Roses. C.V.A.
34. A vase of Climbing Roses. Dist. Cult.
35. Rose in three stages. Stage signally. Dist. Cult.
36. A vase of Alstroemeria. C.V.A., A.N.S.
37. A vase of Antirrhinums C.V.A., A.N.S.
38. A vase of Aquilegias. C.V.A., A.N.S.
39. Three Arum or Calla Lilies (Zantedeschia) C.V.A.
40. A vase of Campanulas. C.V.A., A.N.S.
41. A vase of Carnations or Dianthus. C.V.A. A.N.S.
42. A vase of Heuchera. A.N.S.
43. One stem of Delphinium.
44. An Herbaceous Peony
45. A vase of Herbaceous Peonies.
46. A vase of Daisies. A.N.S., C.V.A.
47. Five Clematis. S.S. on C.C. Dist. Cult.
48. A stem of Foxglove.
49. A vase of species Gladioli C.V.A, A.N.S.
50. A vase of Iceland Poppies. C.V.A., A.N.S.
51. A vase of Oriental Poppies. C.V.A., A.N.S.
52. Five Pansies. S.S. on C.C.
53. Five Violas. S.S. on C.C.
54. One stem of Lupin.
55. A vase of mixed Spring flowers.
56. A stem of flowering bulb, not otherwise listed.
57. A vase of tiny flowers (own container). Flowers not to exceed in diameter. Total arrangement not to exceed 10 cm x 10cm.
58. Three Fuchsias. S.S. on C.C.
59. Three Pelargoniums. S.S. C.V.A.
60. A vase of Sweet Peas. C.V.A., A.N.S.
61. A vase of Sweet William. A.N.S., C.V.A.
62. A vase of Wallflowers. C.V.A., A.N.S.
63. A vase of Ixias. C.V.A., A.N.S.
64. A vase of Penstemon. A.N.S., C.V.A.
65. A vase of any other cut Flower. C.V.A.
66. A stem of own choice, not otherwise listed. Not to exceed 45cm above the vase
67. A vase of Foliage. Must be three Dist. Cults.
68. A vase of Salvias, Dist. Cult.
69. A vase of Euphorbia, Dist. Cult.
70. A vase of Abutilon (Chinese Lantern) Dist. Cult.
71. A vase of Callistemon in bloom, Dist. Cult.
72. One stem of Banksia in bloom.
73. A vase of grevillea in bloom. Dist. Cult.
74. A vase of Buddleia in bloom. Dist. Cult.
75. A vase of native tree or shrub in bloom, not otherwise listed.
76. A vase of Acacia in bloom. Dist. Cult.
77. A stem of Tree Paeonie in bloom.
78. A vase of Tree Paeonie in bloom.
79. A vase of any other flowering shrub in bloom, not otherwise listed Dist. Cult.
80. A stem of shrub of own choice not otherwise listed.
81. A container of Fern, Dist. Cult.
82. A hanging container of Fern.
83. A hanging container of Fuchsia in bloom. (One plant only)
84. A hanging container of Succulent, blooms permitted.
85. A hanging container in bloom, other than those listed.
86. A hanging container of Foliage, other than those listed.
87. A Bonsai in foliage only.
88. A Bonsai in flower or fruit.
89. A miniature garden.
90. A window box in bloom, not to exceed 60 cm x 20 cm.
91. A Pelargonium in bloom.
92. A planted Terrarium.
93. A coloured leaf Pelargonium.
94. A Cactus, no flowers.
95. A Cactus in bloom.
96. A Cacti Garden, flowers permitted.
97. One Succulent, flowers permitted.
98. One Succulent, no flowers.
99. A collection or mixed planting of succulents.
100. An Orchid in bloom.
101. A Native Orchid in bloom.
102. Any other container plant.
103. Plant in a creative container
104. An item of Brassica, e.g. cauliflower, broccoli.
105. A leafy vegetable other than brassica, e.g. lettuce, spinach
106. A Pumpkin.
107. Three Onions.
108. Five Spring Onions.
109. Ten pods of Legumes, e.g. peas, broad beans.
110. Five stalks of Silver Beet.
111. Three Potatoes, Dist. Cult.
112. Three Root Vegetables, e.g. carrots, beetroot.
113. A posy of Herbs staged in a cone. Must contain three Dist. Cults.
114. Three pots of Herbs, Dist. Cults.
115. Five stalks of Rhubarb.
116. Five Citrus fruit.
117. Five fruit other than citrus.
118. Any other vegetable.
119. A basket of home grown produce.
120. “Inspired by wood.” Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
121. An Australian Native Arrangement. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
122. “Lightning strikes.” Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
123. Arrangement in a Modern Manner. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
124. Traditional arrangement. Space allowed 75cm x 75cm.
125. A jar of any type of Marmalade.
126. A jar of any type of Melon Jam.
127. A jar of Berry Jam.
128. A jar of Plum Jam.
129. A jar of Apricot Jam.
130. A jar of any other type of jam.
131. A jar of Quince Jelly.
132. A jar of Apple Jelly.
133. A jar of Mint Jelly.
134. A jar of Lemon Butter.
135. A jar of Pickle, any type.
136. A bottle of Tomato Sauce.
137. A bottle of any other type of sauce.
138. A jar of Relish, any type.
139. A jar of Chutney, any type.
140. A collection of six Preserves.
141. A presentation of Fruit Paste.
142. A jar of Pickled Vegetable.
143. A bottle of homemade Fruit Syrup.
144. A bottle of any other homemade drink.
145. A bottle of Flavoured Oil
146. A bottle of Flavoured Vinegar
148. A Painting, any medium not exceeded 75cm x 75cm square
149. A piece of Mosaic Work
150. An article of Tapestry.
151. A Hand Knitted article.
152. A Crochet article.
153. A Hand Embroidered article.
154. An article of Cross Stitch.
155. A stuffed Toy.
156. A Bear.
157. A Cushion.
158. An Apron (practical or Hostess)
159. An article of Patchwork.
160. A scarf and cap to match.
161. A Hat.
162. An article made from Hand Spun Fibre.
163. Any other article of Craft work not listed.
CHILDREN'S GARDENING(child's own work)
164. A pot of plants in bloom, U8
165. A pot of plants in bloom, U12
166. A Floral saucer, U8
167. A Floral Saucer, U12
168. A vase of Flowers from your garden, U8
169. A vase of Flowers from your garden, U12
170. A Plant or plants in an unusual container, U8
171. A Plant or plants in an unusual container,U12
172. A creature made from plant & vegetable material, U8
173. A creature made from plant & vegetable material, U12
174. 1/2 Dozen eggs from your own yard displayed in own egg carton, U12
CHILDREN'S CRAFT (Child's own work)
175. A page of scrapbooking, U8
176. A page of scrapbooking, U12
177. An article made of fabric, U8
178. An article made of fabric, U12
179. A photo of your pet, U8
180. A photo of your pet, U12